Albéniz has been collaborating with the Adano Association for many years now. This association helps children with cancer in Navarra, and out aim is to help to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

Albéniz has been collaborating with the Adano Association for many years now. This association helps children with cancer in Navarra, and out aim is to help to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.
“This company has received aid from the Government of Navarre under the call for the Promotion of Digital Business in Navarre 2023.
“This company has received aid co-financed 50% by the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Navarra”.
“This company has received a grant co-financed by the Government of Navarra and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development through the RDP of Navarra 2014-2020”.
“This company has received a grant from the Government of Navarra under the 2021 call for applications for aid to improve competitiveness”.